Wednesday 24 September 2014

Sarawak Food Heaven

In Sarawak, there are a lot kind of foods. Besides, there are many kind of hereditary that come out with their own traditional foods. Below are detail of local foods serve in my restaurant :-


 As Malaysian I'm very proud to introduce you a different type of Laksa in my country. As a person hailed from Sarawak ofcourse I would like to talk about our yummylicious "Sarawak Laksa" :)

 Laksa Sarawak I should say, is the most famous dish which is easily identifiable with Sarawak. To me Laksa Sarawak is our signature dish which we should put a patent first. The Sarawak Laksa is essentially vermicelli rice noodles(bee hoon), cooked in a shrimp-based broth that is made to the thicken with coconut milk. This dish is served with generous amounts of crunchy bean sprouts, a few boiled prawns and garnished with shredded chicken and slivers of egg omelette. For added spice, there's the thick sambal(paste) that is usually served on the side, and another some extra sour you can squeeze some lime juice (limau kasturi) into your dish as well.  We are actually trying hard to preserve the authenticity and the originality of our Laksa Sarawak as it is part of our culture & heritage. If you want to try Sarawak laksa, you are welcome to come to our restaurant Lee's Cafe. We offer the most affordable and reasonable price to our customers. Once you tried, you will not necessarily be able to achieve more satisfaction and want to add another bowl.


Local vegetables are served widely, particularly the two type of crispy jungle fern, midin and paku.


 For those who love to eat Linut, a traditional Melanau delicacy made from sago, Kampung Budaya is the place to visit. "I like the taste, but it's hard to find a places in Kuching selling traditional dish," said one of our customer. The preparation of linut is very simple, one only need tepung lemantak or tepung sago. Linut served with spicy gravy, sambal belacan or sambal asam paya.


Introducing the fruit that is indigenous to Borneo. Sarawakians called it buah Dabai. It is a seasonal fruit by the way.


 Dabai fried rice is very famous in Sarawak because Dabai fruit mostly found in Sarawak but very rare or none in other states of Malaysia. Dabai fruits usually blanced or cooked under sun to be served with rice but added to fried rice is equally good and this fried rice definitely delighting everybody.


Mee Belacan is only hawker food only available in Sarawak. It very famous here in Kuching.


  Umai or known as Umei in Sarawak language, this is a dish for brave. The Umai is traditionally a standard lunch meal for the Melanau fisherman. Thin slivers of raw fish or shrimp, usually iced but not frozen, combined with thinly sliced onions, chili, salt, and juice from sour fruits like lime or assam go into preparing this dish. The is usually accompanied by a bowl of toasted sago pearl and is so simple.


Kolo Mee or known as Mee Sapi is the Sarawak local forage. Therefore, it can be trying, exciting, or mouthwatering taste Kolo Mee that comes from the state of Sarawak has it own special taste. At the same time, it can promote that local food is tasty, delicious and unique in country as well as abroad. A part from that, it is one of attraction for tourists travelling in the land of Sarawak. The tourists will feel satisfied when travelling in the state of Sarawak as states have special food unmatched.

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